Hapcho profusely congratulate Rachell Maycy for winning the "Dresser of la Bi-Mios" Award. Click here to see her interview with us.

Check out the winning submission for HETI (Hapcho Experimental Theme Interpretation) Contest.

Monday, May 14, 2012

26th HOG (The Artist & The Tool)

26th HOG (The Artist and The Tool) 
26th Hapcho Open Gathering   |   Theme: The Artist & The Tool   |   Written by Jasper Koh         

Date: 27th May 2012 (Sunday)
Time: 4PM-6PM (**)

Venue: Hapcho Headquarters (click here for map)

Hey Everybody!
Anyone is invited to our monthly HOG (Hapcho Open Gathering) even if you’re not a Hapchian! Please take note that participants are required to gather at the Hapcho headquarters before heading out to the photoshooting area. We also provide transport back and forth. So if your parents are picking you up, you can ask them to wait at the headquarters.

At the Headquarters you’re able to:
  • Access to our wig storage Hapcho Hair Home, there’s over 40+ wigs to choose from
  • change costume, make up with maximum privacy
  • leave heavy loaded stuffs in headquarter
  • get assistance from the Hapcho committees
(**) Event starts at 4PM, headquarter opens from 1:30PM for participants to start changing costume/makeup/etc                                                                                                                  (**) Please take note that this is not a cosplay-only gathering, we are more oriented on theme-dressing. 

“An artist and his tool is just a mere mortal, while a tool without an artist (using it) is just a plain… tool.”

On this 26th HOG, the theme is suggested by our one and only Reynolds Robin. The Artist, one who filled our world with tons of joy, tears and wonders with his or her art piece. The Tool, without tools, the artist wouldn’t be able to execute their own work.                                                                                   
So what are your preferred tools to express your own work?  A pencil? A paint brush? Or a camera? Why not show us on this Gathering? :) 

Example of expected work:

Are you a photographer?
Please send a note to Reynolds Robin Galiban or Jasper Koh if you're interested to assist in the photography!

Are you SO new (that you're afraid to mingle in the community)?
Fret not! Please send a note to Reynolds Robin Galiban and he'll be glad to let you know more on Hapcho events, the committees will surely attend to your needs on that day. :D

You can also bring your friend(s) along to build up your confidence!